Permalinks for HeinOnline Documents
HeinOnline provides permalinks to individual documents, but they are incomplete; they will not invoke OpenAthens authentication. You can use the OpenAthens Link Generator to create a link that will invoke OpenAthens authentication for an individual document permalink.
Our example will create a permalink to the text of an important speech President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave in Gainesville, Georgia in 1938.
1. Go to HeinOnline Academic and search on these keywords: franklin roosevelt gainesville georgia. The result screen is shown below. Click on the hot-linked title to go to the document.

2. When the document is displayed, click on the Link icon in the toolbar.

3. The popup window that appears provides the base of the permalink. Click in the link field and the URL is automatically copied to the clipboard.

4. Go to the OpenAthens Link Generator and create the complete permalink that will invoke OpenAthens Authentication. A full description of how this works and looks is available through the OpenAthens Link Generator menu item above.