JSTOR is one the most important vendors for the Library. JSTOR contains nearly 2,600 journals, each offering all articles and other materials from the first issue to the present in many cases. The Library presents JSTOR with links to its many subject subsets on the Online Resources A-Z pages.
JSTOR calls permalinks Stable URLs, but they are not complete permalinks that invoke OpenAthens authentication. You have to create a complete JSTOR permalink yourself, but creating a permalink is easy. Let's use this article as an example: British Colonialism in the West Indies: The Political Legacy.
1. From this display on the brief results screen, click on the title.
2. At the full display shown below, look where the arrow is pointing on the left-hand column. That is the JSTOR Stable URL. Highlight it and press CTRL-C to copy it to the clipboard.
3. Then, visit the OpenAthens Link Generator for Piedmont University. (OpenAthens is our user authentication service. OA also dictates how permalinks must be formed.)
4. Paste your URL using CTRL-V into the Enter Your Links field, where the arrow in pointing. (You don't need to press Enter to produce your OpenAthens permalink; the action of pasting creates your permalink.)
5. Click the Copy button to copy it to the clipboard. You can now use this URL to create a stable link in a Canvas page or a Word document or whatever other use you'd like to make of it.