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Permalinks for Online Services

This guide will show how to obtain permalinks to journal articles, ebooks and ebook chapters, and videos found in the Library's online research services. Permalinks can be used to create links to learning objects in Canvas courses.

ProQuest Journal Articles

ProQuest is another of the principal vendors the Library uses to provide access to journal literature and ebooks. If you look through this list of ProQuest services on our Online Research A-Z pages, you'll see many familiar names, such as ABI/Inform, Nursing and Allied Health Source, and ProQuest Research Library.

You can easily find the permalink to a journal article in all ProQuest services. How you find the permalink is similar to the ways in both Discovery GALILEO or in individual ProQuest services. Let's take this example: "Shakespeare Redivivus: Supplementary Techniques for Teaching Shakespeare."

1. From this display on the brief results screen, click on the title or on the Abstract/Details link. Either way, you'll arrive at the same place.







2. At the next screen, look for the Abstract/Details tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page.










3.Highlight the URL with your mouse and then press CTRL-C to copy the URL to your clipboard. 

Then you can paste the URL wherever you want using CTRL-V.




ProQuest Ebooks

Finding the permalink for ProQuest ebooks is a simple process, but slightly different from finding the permalinks for their journal articles. Let's look at this example: Educational Psychology by L. S. Vygotsky and Robert Silverman (click on the link to see this live).

1. On the full display screen, click on Share Link to Book in the left-hand column.

















2. When the pop-up window appears, press CTRL-C to copy the permalink to the clipboard. Then you can paste it wherever you need it using CTRL-V.

ProQuest Ebook Chapters

1. On the full display screen, scroll down the page to see the Table of Contents.


2. Click on the chapter title: The Concept of Behavior and Reaction.







3. When the first page of the chapter displays, click on the Permalink icon.












4. When the pop-up window appears, press CTRL-C to copy the permalink to the clipboard. Then you can paste it with CTRL-V wherever you need it.