Right-click on the download link and Save ... As you do so, give the spreadsheet a unique name.
Open it and click Enable Editing if need be.
When finished, email your spreadsheet as a attachment to
acqorders@piedmont.edu with the subject "New Library Order Request."
Choice Reviews Online is a service of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Librarian subject specialists provide reviews of high quality and reliability for current academic books and electronic products. Reviews are addressed to librarians and faculty who select library materials, especially for undergraduate research and teaching. All reviews from 1988–present are included, as are all Choice Outstanding Books from that period.
The process of recommending materials for the library is a cooperative effort involving classroom faculty and library faculty members. Indeed, the Library relies on the subject expertise of the faculty. The faculty are expected to participate in selecting library materials; they should monitor their professional literature for appropriate library acquisitions; they should be aware of the curricular needs for learning resources of their students. In addition, the Library's faculty also select materials as part of special projects to improve and expand areas of the collections that are identified as needing improvement.
Materials purchased with library allocations funds become part of the library collections and are subject to those policies and procedures that best serve the entire academic community. All requests for the acquisition of materials will be considered in the light of the overall instructional and education purposes of Piedmont University.
The previous two paragraphs are excerpted from the Library's Collection Development and Management Policy, which you can consult for more information.