Integrity & Academic Integrity
Whether you are a freshman new to Piedmont U or a doctoral candidate putting the finishing touches on your dissertation, you will hear a lot about academic integrity, and especially plagiarism.
Why? Well, few concepts are more fundamental to the aspirations of higher education (or more vital to your experience as a student). Academic Integrity may seem simple, but in practice, the definitions and details can become confusing.
But first, what does it mean to have integrity?
First and foremost, it means being honest and trustworthy. It means having strong ethics and striving to do the right thing, even when it's difficult, even when there appear to be easier, but less honest ways of accomplishing your goals. Academic integrity is nothing more or less than acting with integrity in an academic environment.

This guide offers guidance for ethical academic conduct as defined by Piedmont University and virtually all other universities. You will also find materials and resources for learning about academic integrity and plagiarism and explanations of Piedmont's policies concerning infractions of academic integrity.
Take a look at the video,the Purdue OWL on plagiarism, and the APA Tutorial to learn in depth.
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