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APA PsycBooks

This guide describes the content of the online ebooks available in APA Psycbooks, including the APA Handbooks and the APA Encyclopedia of Psychology.

About APA PsycBooks

APA PsycBooks

provides full-text access to APA's latest peer-reviewed books, as well as classic and historical works dating back to the 1600s. APA PsycBooks is the only online service that provides the peer-reviewed books published by the American Psychological Association. PsycBooks contains over 68,000 chapters from over 4,600 scholarly and professional books, with new content added every month, including:

  • APA-published titles;
  • Exclusive access to out-of-print historical and classic books in psychology;
  • Full-text access to all volumes from the APA Handbooks in Psychology series;
  • Complete text of the Encyclopedia of Psychology co-published by APA and-Oxford University Press.

APA PsycBooks covers a broad and deep spectrum of disciplines within the behavioral and social sciences, including:

Behavior Disorders Cognitive Processes
Community and Family Psychology Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology Experimental and Comparative Psychology
Forensic Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Mental Health Care and Treatment Neuroscience
Personality and Identity Philosophy of Mind
Psychotherapy and Counseling Religion and Spirituality
Social Processes and Social Issues Sport Psychology

The APA Handbooks in Psychology and the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology are two very important components of PsycBooks. Please take a look at their tabs to learn more about these invaluable sources of peer-reviewed information and analysis.

Access to APA PsycBooks

Access to APA Psycbooks

Psycbooks has its own permalink so it can be searched by itself. You will need to provide your Piedmont University username and password if you are off-campus.

For the most comprehensive and focused searching, use APA PsycInfoPsycInfo will search its own citations (1887-present) and provide full-text links to journal articles, books, and ebooks in PsycArticles, Psycbooks, and a great deal more psychology journal and book literature. If full-text isn't available, you can use Full Text Finder to submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request.