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APA PsycBooks

This guide describes the content of the online ebooks available in APA Psycbooks, including the APA Handbooks and the APA Encyclopedia of Psychology.

The APA Handbooks

The APA Handbooks in Psychology

are a significant component of the content in the ebook collection APA PsycBooks. Each APA handbook addresses the key reference interests and essential needs of researchers, clinicians, and practitioners in psychology and allied behavioral fields, as well as all levels of students in the relevant areas.

Each handbook focuses on what is currently known in areas of study or practice, including basic historical reviews and the most pertinent current sources of information in both core and emerging literature. Individual chapters pinpoint practical issues, probe unresolved and controversial topics, and present future theoretical, research, and practice trends. Cross-referencing among chapters within and across volumes gives the user a clearer understanding of the complexities of each field.

APA’s extensive peer-review process ensures academic and scholarly excellence.

When these volumes open, you can browse their articles by title or look for the Search within this publication link above the title to search using keywords.

APA Handbooks by Title

The APA Handbooks by Title

APA addiction syndrome handbook
Vol. 1: Foundations, influences, and expressions of addiction
Vol. 2: Recovery, prevention, and other issues
APA educational psychology handbook
Vol. 1: Theories, constructs, and critical issues
Vol. 2: Individual differences and cultural and contextual factors
Vol. 3: Application to learning and teaching
APA Handbook of Adolescent and Young Adult Development
APA handbook of behavior analysis
Vol. 1: Methods and principles 
Vol. 2: Translating principles into practice 
APA handbook of career intervention
Vol. 1: Foundations
Vol. 2: Applications
APA handbook of clinical geropsychology
Vol. 1: History and status of the field and perspectives on aging
Vol. 2: Assessment, treatment, and issues of later life
APA handbook of clinical psychology
Vol. 1: Roots and branches
Vol. 2: Theory and research
Vol. 3: Applications and methods
Vol. 4: Psychopathology and health
Vol. 5: Education and profession
APA handbook of community psychology
Vol. 1: Theoretical foundations, core concepts, and emerging challenges
Vol. 2: Methods for community research and action for diverse groups and issues
APA handbook of comparative psychology
Vol. 1: Basic concepts, methods, neural substrate, and behavior
Vol. 2: Perception, learning, and cognition
APA handbook of consumer psychology
APA handbook of contemporary family psychology
Vol. 1: Foundations, methods, and contemporary issues across the lifespan
Vol. 2: Applications and broad impact of family psychology
Vol. 3: Family therapy and training
APA handbook of counseling psychology
Vol. 1: Theories, research, and methods 
Vol. 2: Practice, interventions, and applications 
APA handbook of dementia
APA handbook of ethics In psychology
Vol. 1: Moral foundations and common themes
Vol. 2: Practice, teaching, and research
APA handbook of forensic neuropsychology
APA handbook of forensic psychology
Vol. 1: Individual and situational influences in criminal and civil contexts
Vol. 2. Criminal investigation, adjudication, and sentencing outcomes
APA handbook of giftedness and talent
APA handbook of health psychology
Vol. 1: Foundations and Context of Health Psychology
Vol. 2: Clinical Interventions and Disease Management in Health Psychology
Vol. 3: Health Psychology and Public Health
APA handbook of human systems integration
APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology
Vol. 1: Building and developing the organization
Vol. 2: Selecting and developing members for the organization
Vol. 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization
APA handbook of intellectual and developmental disabilities
Vol. 1: Foundations
Vol. 2: Clinical and educational implications: Prevention, intervention, and treatment
APA handbook of men and masculinities
APA handbook of multicultural psychology
Vol. 1: Theory and research
Vol. 2: Applications and training
APA handbook of nonverbal communication
APA handbook of personality and social psychology
Vol. 1: Attitudes and social cognition 
Vol. 2: Group processes 
Vol. 3: Interpersonal relations 
Vol. 4: Personality processes and individual differences 
APA handbook of psychology and juvenile justice
APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality
Vol. 1: Context, theory, and research
Vol. 2: An applied psychology of religion and spirituality
APA handbook of psychopathology
Vol. 1: Psychopathology
Vol. 2: Child and adolescent psychopathology
APA handbook of psychopharmacology
APA handbook of psychotherapy
Vol. 1: Theory-driven practice and disorder-driven practice
Vol. 2: Evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence, and contextual participant-driven practice
APA handbook of research methods in psychology
Vol. 1: Foundations, planning, measures, and psychometrics 
Vol. 2: Research designs: quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological
Vol. 3: Data analysis and research publication 
APA handbook of sexuality and psychology
Vol. 1: Person-based approaches
Vol. 2: Contextual approaches
APA handbook of sport and exercise psychology
Vol. 1: Sport psychology
Vol. 2: Exercise psychology
APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology
Vol. 1: Test theory and testing and assessment in industrial and organizational psychology
Vol. 2: Testing and assessment in clinical and counseling psychology
Vol. 3: Testing and assessment in school psychology and education
APA handbook of the psychology of women
Vol. 1: History, theory, and battlegrounds 
Vol. 2: Perspectives on women's private and public lives 
APA handbook of trauma psychology
Vol. 1: Foundations in knowledge
Vol. 2: Trauma practice