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Working Online

This LibGuide answers many frequently asked questions about how to have the best experience when accessing and working with online materials.

Saving Your Research

Most databases give you the option of creating an account to save your research. These accounts will grant you the ability to save your research in folders organized by particular projects or subjects assigned by you. Follow the videos and guides below for a few examples. Most other databases will have similar functions.  Refer to site help & support for any needed clarifications or you may contact the library with further questions. Please note, accounts held on database websites are not directly affiliated with Piedmont University nor Piedmont University IT. For technical issues (such as forgotten password) you will need to contact the product vendor.

My EBSCOhost

JSTOR and ProQuest offer the same services. Information about their login process and functions can be found below.


ProQuest My Research

Saving Playlists with Alexander Street: