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Working Online

This LibGuide answers many frequently asked questions about how to have the best experience when accessing and working with online materials.

What Kind of Internet Connection Should I Have?

  • You should have a broadband internet connection – that is, at least basic DSL internet service, a  20 Mbps connection – to ensure yourself a productive working environment. The higher the bandwidth, the faster and more efficient your working experience will be.
  • Remember that if you don't have broadband at home, high-speed internet access is available at almost all public libraries in the State of Georgia. Moreover, if you're a teacher, you may be able to work on the computer in your classroom or one in the media center at your school if your login permissions allow you to do so.
  • If you use a public-access computer in a library or other public location; a computer located at your business; a computer located at your school; a computer supplied to you by your employer; that computer will be subject to the security configuration set by the owner of the computer. Those security configurations may prevent your using library research services or make using them unreliable.

The best user experience with the research services provided you by the Library will be one on a computer that belongs to and is configured by you.