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The Library & The Community

This guide describes how persons from the local community can use the Library and become members of the Friends of the Library group.

Members of the Local Community

Members of the Local Community at the Library

Members of the community around Demorest are welcome to come to our campus and use the Library.

  • You may sit and read anywhere in the building, including the study rooms on the 2nd floor. (Piedmont University students, faculty, and staff have priority access to the study rooms.)
  • You are welcome to ask for assistance from Library personnel.
  • You may use our public-access computers to access the internet and the Library's subscription online research services. (Piedmont University students, faculty, and staff have priority access to the computers.)
  • You may have access to the University's wireless network for your laptop or other devices. Please ask for the password at the Circulation Desk on the 3rd floor. 

When community users work on University computers or use their personal devices joined to the University's wireless network, they implicitly agree to abide by all applicable provisions of the University's Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy. Click on the link to see the complete text.

Friends of the Library

Friends of Piedmont University Libraries

Residents of the area around Demorest can become part of the Friends of Piedmont University Library group. With a minimum $25 annual contribution, your membership in Friends of the Library entitles you to check out books from the Library's collections. 

  • You may check out up to 5 books at a time for 14 days;
  • You may renew your checkouts three times before you must return them;
  • You must provide a telephone number and an email address as part of your contact information when we create your Library account.

Through your annual membership, you can support the development of the Library's book collection and help enrich the lives of the students of Piedmont University and citizens of the local community.