Below are a list of online resources related to the field of Education. Those at the top of the list marked "Best Bet" are excellent places to start your research project.
This is especially true of Education Source, which covers all sectors of education from early childhood to higher education – as well as all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, testing and assessment, administration, policy, funding, and related social issues. The database combines over 4 million citations/abstracts from 1929-present, with full-text articles from over 1,700 scholarly journals and professional magazines, with the texts of over 550 monographs.
For more in-depth information about the Library's online resources for Education students, please refer to the Education Research & Resources Guide.
Listed below are the Library's three primary eBook collections, encompassing hundreds of thousands of titles and covering all disciplines. In addition to the convenience of accessing them remotely with your laptop or cell phone, using them for research has certain special advantages.
When an ebook opens, scan the table of contents or the index for topics of interest to you, just as you would with a traditional printed book. You can then use the page number to navigate to the page you want and use Next and Previous to read forward and backward from that point.
But you can also use the Search feature to locate keywords within the text of the book. Matches are presented as a list of links, giving you instant access to the most relevant passages.
In addition to the more general collections of ebooks shown above, students and faculty of the College of Education have access to ebooks that support their particular need for trade writing and children's literature. Educators use these materials as a basis for lesson planning and to learn how to analyze children's texts for age-appropriateness and reading levels, among other activities.