The mission of Piedmont University’s Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide professional development opportunities for both faculty and staff, with special attention to pedagogy, curriculum, research and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Our aim is to support, promote, and enrich the ability of faculty and staff to deliver meaningful and diverse opportunities for student growth and transformation both inside and outside of the classroom.
Your Center for Teaching and Learning is committed to supporting, promoting, and enriching your ability to deliver meaningful and diverse opportunities for student growth and transformation both inside and outside of the classroom. Your feedback is essential to ensure that we understand your needs and goals.
Please complete the CTL Session Feedback form for every session that you attend throughout the year.
Peer Review was published by the Association of American Colleges & Universities from 2002-2019. This themed issue from 2009 has become a guide for understanding, creating, and promoting the idea of a center for teaching and learning.
Supporting Faculty through a New Teaching and Learning Center -- Peer Review. Spring 2009, v. 11/2
Wikipedia has an excellent article about Teaching and Learning Centers and starts with this definition:
Teaching and learning centers are independent academic units within colleges and universities that exist to provide support services for faculty, to help teaching faculty to improve their teaching and professional development ... These centers may have different kinds of names, such as faculty development centers, teaching and learning centers, centers for teaching and learning, centers for teaching excellence, academic support centers, and others.
Your Center for Teaching and Learning is committed to supporting, promoting, and enriching your ability to deliver meaningful and diverse opportunities for student growth and transformation both inside and outside of the classroom. Your feedback is essential to ensure that we understand your needs and goals. Please complete the CTL Session Feedback form for every session that you attend throughout the year.