Information literacy (IL) refers to the ability to recognize a need for information and to find, analyze, and synthesize material from books, articles, websites and more that meet that need.
For students, it often means:
- the ability to begin with the requirements for an assignment and write a relevant research question;
- find materials in any medium that answer the question;
- analyze their accuracy, currency, and other criteria;
- and use the materials to create a paper that’s complete with citations and other scholarly requirements.
The modules listed below are designed to assist you throughout the research process, from identifying a topic and research questions to presenting data and research findings. Each module is comprised of a mixture of tutorials, videos, and quizzes. Feel free to peruse each module for content relevant to your needs. However, if you complete an entire module, either on your own or as part of a class, please take a moment to complete any associated quizzes to assess your learning.
Any data collected will be used to further improve the modules as well as other aspects of library services informed by research skills instruction. Your personal data is not collected. In some cases, your instructor may require you to submit quiz scores directly to them. Please check with your instructor or a librarian if you have questions or need additional assistance.