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GPALS - Georgia's Private Academic Libraries

Reciprocal Borrowing

The members shown on the Membership Directory page have agreed to participate in a group which provides borrowing privileges to library users of other participating institutions. Library users of participant institutions may go to other participant libraries and borrow materials by observing the following:

Terms and Conditions

1. Library borrowing privileges shall be made available to full-time faculty and staff and to currently registered students of the participating institutions.

2. Users must obtain a GPALS Borrowers Card before going to another participating institution. The Borrowers Card will be issued by the designated library staff member of the institution in which the person is enrolled or employed. Users must present the Borrowers Card and a valid photo identification card to the staff of the lending institution.

3. Full-time faculty and staff members are eligible for a GPALS Borrowers Card for the academic year (9 months). Upon request, a faculty member can receive a new card for the summer months.

4. Currently registered students are eligible for a GPALS Borrowers Card for the duration of the current academic term. Each card will be valid through the issuing institution's last day of classes.

5. Each library borrower will be responsible for learning and following the rules and regulations of the lending library.

6. Each borrower is responsible for the safe, prompt return of material(s) borrowed. The lending institution will notify the designated staff member at the borrower's home institution of overdue material(s), date due, and borrower's name, and identification number. Upon receipt of the notification, the library will make every attempt to prevail upon the borrower to return the material, pay for items lost, and pay the fines.

7. In the event the borrower does not return materials in a reasonable time, the home library will be responsible for reimbursing the lending library for replacement costs, including processing fees, and accrued fines.

8. Borrowers who have delinquent charges at any member institution will not be eligible for a new GPALS Borrowers Card until such time as the charges are paid. Repeat offenders are subject to having their joint borrowing privileges permanently revoked.

9. This agreement shall be effective upon execution and shall continue in effect until terminated upon thirty (30) days written notice by any party.