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HeinOnline Social Justice Suite

LGBTQ+ Rights

LGBTQ+ Rights (more information)

LGBTQ+ Rights, part of HeinOnline's Social Justice Suite, charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today. The collection has areas of focus such as Marriage and Family, Employment Discrimination, Military Service, AIDS and Health Care, and Public Spaces and Accommodations.

A separate subcollection, Historical Attitudes and Analysis, presents books, pamphlets, reports, and more that some may find offensive since they express out-moded ideas and attitudes about LGBTQ+ people. These items are not presented to endorse their viewpoints: the achievements that have led to present-day ideas and attitudes can best be appreciated with a full understanding of historical context. (permalink for this subset)